Paper logo


An online tool sponsored by the university and used by thousands of Northwestern students to plan and schedule their courses.


CRACO logo


Create React App Configuration Override, an easy and comprehensible configuration layer for Create React App.


A bit about me.

Hey, I'm Dilan, a full-stack software engineer and fourth-year undergraduate student at Northwestern University studying computer science. I have a huge passion for quality software, beautiful user interfaces, and automation. I've been coding for over 11 years, working on projects ranging anywhere from desktop and mobile applications to developer tools to websites and web APIs to video games and game mods, many of which you'll find here on my site.

Northwestern University image

2020 - 2024

Northwestern University

Bachelor of Science, Computer Science


Mayfest Productions image

2022 - 2024

Mayfest Productions

Director of Tech

Mayfest Productions is the organization behind Dillo Day, the nation's largest student-run music festival. I was a member of the tech team for 2022-2023 and am directing the team for 2023-2024.


WildHacks image

2022 - 2024



WildHacks is Northwestern's largest hackathon. I was the Director of Website Development for WildHacks 2023, leading the development of the WildHacks website and dashboard. For WildHacks 2024, I am directing the entire event.

Northwestern Drumline image

2020 - 2022

Northwestern Drumline

Snare Player

The Northwestern University Drumline is the official drumline of the Northwestern University Marching Band. I played snare for 3 years on the line.

The Software and Game Development Group image

2021 - 2022

The Software and Game Development Group

Founder and President

SGDG was the premier student organization for software and game development at Northwestern University. I founded the organization to connect developers of all kinds together, but eventually stepped down to focus on other commitments.

Apple image

Starting August 2024


Software Engineer

Starting in August 2024, I will be joining Apple as an Xcode Cloud Distributed Systems Software Engineer.


Apple image



Software Engineer Intern

Over the summer of 2023, I worked at Apple as a Software Engineer Intern on the Xcode team.

Northwestern University image

2021 - 2024

Northwestern University

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant

  • COMP_SCI 211: Fundamentals of Computer Programming II (Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Winter 2022, Spring 2022)
  • COMP_SCI 343: Operating Systems (Fall 2022)
  • COMP_SCI 213: Intro to Computer Systems (Winter 2023)
  • COMP_SCI 310: Scalable Software Architectures (Spring 2023, Fall 2023)
  • COMP_SCI 396: Special Topics in Computer Science: Full Stack Software Engineering (Winter 2024, Spring 2024)

Voidstone Software image

2015 - 2020

Voidstone Software

Founder and Software Developer

As a child learning to code, I created Voidstone Software, an online store dedicated to the development of private, custom game modifications on request.